Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Yes face to face contact does matter. There is a significant feeling of trust and a connection through meeting someone else that cannot be matched over internet postings and typed feelings. Without the trust gained by a level of physical contact there becomes no basis for truth and merit to one's intent. Take the example of the real estate agent or banker taking clients out for a round of golf... There is almost no mention of business at any time, just a bonding experience and comfort/trust builder. Obviously an important step before investing or buying anything someone else is selling. With internet sales like eBay there is no contact whatsoever, only messages and pictures and a couple numbers (someones feedback rating) to base off. Although millions use eBay there is a secretive "I never know if this will work" feeling present until the day the cash or good shows up at your door. This feeling doesn't necessarily stop anyone, though. It seems only after they have been burned do they realize that this was an inherent danger in the process. In such a case there has been a breach of the circle from someone elses end. Personally I have bought both a physics book and a Lexus off eBay, and guess which one actually worked out... not the book, but trusting the guy in Arkansas and 7 pictures of an suv was somehow a lot harder than the $50 book. Both times the person behind the screename and typing said the same things to ease the beginning doubt from my end, but only once was there a fabrication to steal some fast cash.


J said...

Hi Tom--are you there? What about the second assignment?

also, blog posts nearly always have titles.

J said...

Tom, at this point, you should realize that you have done less than half of the work expected thus far in the course. That means your grade would be below 50, which isn't passing.